Security is an essential element of all business! Whether Physical or Digital, On-Premises or In-Cloud, network protection and information security is vital for survival.
Security has many forms though, and these start at the Physical layer which involves the access to comms rooms, cabinets and computer systems, and extends further to remote access and cyber considerations.
A common misunderstanding in this area, is to confuse Information Security with Cyber Security. Although linked of course, InfoSec is focussed on the question “Where can I safely store my Data” whereas the Cyber interpretation is “How can I protect my Data”.
In the former, we’re interested in Data At Rest, Data in Flight and the considerations of where the Data Boundary is in regards to Data Leakage.
Cyber Security is more complex; a combination of Proactive controls and measures to ensure that un-authorised personnel do not access sensitive data, as well as a Defense or Rapid Response mechanism to deal quickly with breaches and remediation activity as it occurs.
So the procurement of Security Services can be daunting.
A good basic guide is offered by Akamai in the attached document.
Akamai of course are the leading Security Services provider who began as a Content Delivery Network and branched out into the Cyber world largely boosted by the acquisition of start-up Prolexic. Prolexic were the leaders of DDoS mitigation with what was at the time a leading edge solution to Distributed Denial of Service attacks by routing all traffic through their Scrub Centres.
We’ll explore the various Security Services and their Fit-for-Purpose nature further, however for now, the Akamai Buying Guide is a good start.