IT Services to Deliver Business Value!

If something is worth doing, it's worth doing right. And the only reason to do a project is if it delivers benefits to the business.

High Quality of Best Practice!

We're constantly learning! And always comparing against benchmarks that include World's Best Practice.

Agility Working from anywhere !

Work is something to do, not a place to go! With Internet that is always with us, we can work remotely from anywhere that adds value.

Morethan100projectsWelcome to EME Consulting Pty Ltd!

How can our Project & Professional Services be of assistance to you ?

With more than 100+ projects completed successfully, we certainly have a vast database of experience across diverse industries. The question is now, how can that experience, know-how and proprietary methodology developed over the last 30 years be of excellent service to your company?

Here’s just a few ..

  • End to End Project Management
  • Proven Delivery Capability
  • Technical Understanding
  • Demonstrated Customer Service